Thursday, September 01, 2022

Japanese Girl's Day hanging decoration - hishikazari with woven wraps / ...

My latest video is now live - having just had a show on Craft Extra, I thought it might be nice to do a video showing a technique that I talked about. Making hishikazari are fun, and a great way to use up threads. But, what if you want to add a little extra? Well, needle weaving is your friend. When isn't it ;) I'm really just making this up as I go along - which shows that you can too. You can get even more complicated if you like too of course!

All orders from both shows are now on their way, the Bank Holiday and postal strike wasn't helpful! Another strike next week I think. Oh well. 

I've decided I'm going to attempt a Facebook live this Saturday - in our Facebook group. If everything manages to work, I may well try one going to YouTube too. Let's see. Then again, the camera or software may let me down and then... 


  1. What a sweet little thingamy! These are so much fun to play with - I first ran across them years ago in a Sunset Magazine December issue and had a good time making them for Christmas gifts that year. Good video, kiddo!
    It has been hot and still and a little humid here, so we did without the evening walk - no point in feeling worse afterwards! Must say that a dish of peach sorbet makes a fine reward for washing dishes and getting the kitchen a little tidy!
    Hugs all around, stay safe and well, and have a good time with the group gathering on Saturday. xxx

    1. Oh thank you! Still experimenting with getting the new camera just right, but at least heading in the right direction. Peach sorbet, mmm haven't had that for years. Do you remember peach wine coolers? used to love them. Peach isn't a much used flavour here, but parents were here then and used to get them for us from the commissary! Stay well and safe - and cool, both of you xx

  2. Today was a trifle cooler - some clouds and air moving - evening walk happened! And I should not complain - Don could have wanted to move back to Chicago 24 years ago and I'd really have some heat and humidity to fuss about, not to mention WINTER!!!!!! Luckily he thought Los Angeles was a good place to stay. ;)
    You know, I don't think I've ever had any kind of wine cooler - probably just as well since I am a very cheap drunk! But it does sound nice as I sit here with sweat dripping!
    Do stay safe and well, all three. xx

  3. Came late to the party - internet !@@##$%^ and food prep - but looks as if it went pretty well. I like this mode better than Zoom - no one has to brush their hair! Hope people feel better able to cope with backs - I know I do ;)
    Toby did his 'Mom is here!" dance and Mark had a nice bevi ready - bless their hearts.
    Stay safe and well. xxx

  4. Resorting to damp tea towel, since it is still 80' and no air moving - even fish, chips and Guinness did little to lift the the fug :( I remember Daddy saying that he was put to sleep under a wet sheet when it was very hot and he was very little. Did you know that they have cow misters over the shops in many parts of Arizona ( and probably other western states)? Ok, no more fussing -it is September and it is always hot! You all stay safe and well. xx

    1. Hopefully you are feeling a little more comfortable - the no air is always awful. We are much cooler today. Yesterday was an odd day weather-wise. Still can't complain. Glad you could come along to the live. It all went terribly wrong initially, but I have learnt a lot more about what I need to do. Hopefully the next time I'll be able to work it out a bit more quickly. The misters sound lovely, although with water shortages, I guess not! And yes, actually, Toby DID do a happy dance and insist on a cuddle!
      Stay safe and well - and cool xxx

  5. Oh, yes - I forgot you all are in drought mode also - our permanent state in this part of the world. I think cow misters are very economical with water or they wouldn't use them in Arizona - or at least they are if maintained correctly.
    I think it was very brave of you to even attempt a live thing, let alone figure it out on the fly - and you won't make the same mistakes twice, so next time should go much better. Anyway, have some fun with the whole process.
    Stay safe and well and cool(ish) xxx

    1. Yes, I had set everything up and even did a trial which seemed fine, which is why when it went wrong I was so annoyed! Didn't have a clue initially how to fix it. Although officially in drought as a country, our water authority does not currently have a hosepipe ban, which is nice. Not that we are using one of course. There has been some rain now (a proper storm last night and the grass isn't all brown now! Have a great week, stay safe and well xx

  6. Just came in from some serious food gathering (freezer and fridge were both mostly empty) which we had put off because of the heat. Luckily, not quite so hot today and the car and stores are air conditioned, but it does get tiring. Don brings everything in from the car and I put away the perishables, then a brief collapse before all the rest gets taken care of.
    I think the Teddy prompt is a HUGE success - love the variety, and Mr. Bean's Teddy is sweet.
    I see you are cooler and having rain of one sort or another across the area - do stay safe and dry, and watch out for the loonies who forget how to drive in the wet (the same ones who can 't drive in snow or fog). Hugs alll around. xxx

    1. Glad the forage was successful! We are having a window taken out today for repair - an old sash window. Hopefully it won't be too long as I am already missing daylight in my room. (its been boarded up). Yes, amazing isn't it? Too many fair weather drivers. And to be honest, I think a lot have also forgotten how to drive even in fair weather during lockdown. There seems to be many more dumb drivers out there. I'm enjoying the teddy prompt too! Stay safe and well, both of you! xxx

    2. So glad you are getting the window repaired! It always seems a shame to put new windows on an old house - sloppy and not nice to the house. Sorry about the dark though I must admit we keep the blinds pulled in the front rooms all the time (too much traffic and people too close). Keep safe and well. xx

  7. Finally caved in and assembled a magnifying lamp that I won a year and a half ago - working on a sampler on 35 to the inch linen and parts are cross stitch over one thread or tent stitch over one thread and the magnifying head band just makes my head ache. It will take a while to get quite easy with it but it did make that last leaf stitch up faster and no picking out to speak of (or at least I could see to pick out instead of scritcheling around).
    We got swiped by a tropical storm (downgraded from a hurricane) and had a fair amount on rain in some places and none to speak of in others, flash floods here and there, and enough moisture to reduce the closest fire (100 miles east) to containment late Monday. I think it is going to be another nasty fire season :(
    Hope you and Mark and Toby are all well and safe and coping with 'stuff' - it sure does help to have a good team! Take care. xxx

    1. They can be very good. I do have a brilliant one that I wear on my head, but it can be too heavy I agree. I used to have one with a magnifier on the lamp stand, that was also helpful. It will save you a lot of cursing!
      I hope it doesn't turn out to be a bad fire season for you.
      Yes, a funny ol' week this week. But, the history lessons on traditions are quite fascinating.

  8. Hmmmm - someone changed his picture and title - oh well, it is still me Charlotte here and now!
    It has been 'interesting', hasn't it? So many memories, so many new moments - thank goodness the Family rallied round. I remember when I realized that I was now 'the grownup' - painful. Mum got me up in the middle of the night to see the coronation and I sat up all night to see the funeral - hope I get to see the king's coronation - that would really be full circle!
    Hope all is well with you and the boys - stay safe. xxx

    1. Time to get your own profile, haha! Spidey did throw me :)
      In many ways it was nice to have a break from all of the other news. In fact we tended to watch on live feeds without commentary for most of the funeral - got fed up with newscasters talking over the bands. Now schedules are back to normal it is back to depressing and worrying subjects. Ah well. The talk is that the coronation will be a very toned down affair.
      Stay safe and well xx

  9. I suppose I should, but the learning curve is soooooo horrendous for me - had so many flubs and tangled webs that I have a very good aversion response. But I will try again!
    I watched BBC - only for actual events, not otherwise, since they did seem to do less commenting. And I certainly did not watch any US television - I've just stopped given up - too much inane chatter frequently ill-informed and too many commercials. And there seemed to be a lot of speculation and rumor-ing (just made that up ;)) that I ignored. In fact, I ignore a lot of what passes for news - if it is really important I'll be told and otherwise it is highly paid talking heads!
    Have a good show and sell out everything and travel safely and, of course, stay well! xx

  10. Nice show - do love the plush. You and Mark have come up with some really great tools! Hope you all got home in one piece. Hugs and stay safe and well.

  11. Is there still an Eleanor Cross in or near Grantham? Was just watching a Joolz Guide and saw a map of the route. xx

    1. Thank you for the well wishes! I did manage to read them before we set off. Brain goes into show and meetings mode ...
      No, I understand that was dismantled during the English civil war. I think there is a plaque!
      Yes, ignoring a lot of news is a smart thing. With 24 hour news they do drone on about things, often making them seem far worse than they really are.
      Stay safe and well both of you xxx

  12. I do understand about show/meeting mode - about to shovel everything from a chair to snacks for 20 into the car for my button club's show. So far I've never forgotten anything crucial. Will send an update this evening.
    Too bad about the cross - it would be interesting to see a real one in situ.
    Safe and well! xx

    1. Have a wonderful time. So nice to be able to go to these things again! xxx

  13. Well, it was interesting! Walked into the garage and put out my hand for the bag with raffle tickets, paper bags for same to go into, signs, etc. and it wasn't there!!!!! Search instituted, departure time past - not quite panic - try to find source for raffle tickets, at least - store not open, we don't sell those tickets, manage to purchase work arounds, leap into car, flying low down the freeway and I remember that in September of 1999 I was on vacation and left the above stuff with Anne - so it must be in her garage! And when I pull up to unload, there is dear Anne with bag of stuff and lovely buttony things to raffle off! Still a frazzled sort of day but we all got through it somehow - the dealers made some money, the club made some money, and we all had a pretty good time. Collapsed when I got home - dearest person helped unload car and steered me to bed. Only purchase was a card of black glass imitation fabric buttons - will ask himself to send pic.
    Today is preparation for tenting the house tomorrow - California termites are always hungry and it is a never ending fight- the little monsters will be waiting eagerly for the tent to come off, napkins tucked in, knives and forks at the ready! Sigh! We get to go stay in a hotel for two nights. Hope the breakfast is as good as it was last time we did this.
    Hugs all around. Sade and well. xxx

    1. Oh goodness, that's the sort of thing that happens to me - but usually without such a good outcome! Purchase sounds nice though! You really should have had more to make up for the stress! Have fun at the hotel! I guess we all have to deal with things. In our old house it is damp- our French drain of last year does seem to have worked thankfully, but there does always seem to be something to sort...
      Stay safe and well both of you xxx

  14. Well, it is Wednesday afternoon and we are back in the house, more or less. they had just started to take the tent off at 8:30, so I had to wait 'til it was safe to leave Don and the suitcases and cooler and scoot to the button meeting - not too late but people (ok, person) nattering and niggliong while I was trying to get things in order. Hate say it but I did get a bit snappish. Anyhow, got through the meeting without strangling anyone and managed to arrange next year's schedule with the building director!!!!!
    Get home to find the gas company in the last stages of getting us back in hot water and clothes drying. Still waiting on the locksmith.
    Glad to know the French drain is working - we could use one down the east side of the house when we have a wet winter (not all that often, thank goodness!)
    Oh ick - there is something insecty that has survived the gas and is chewing on me!!! Thank goodness for antihistamines!
    Safe and well all three! xxx

  15. Locksmith arrived at 4pm ish, left at 8:30 - new lock, new sequence to learn, nice young man. Food all put away, a dinner prepared, consumed, and cleaned up after - oh, and two loads of laundry! I will now collapse quietly onto my bed, read half a page of Peter Ackroyd's Biography of London, and sleep a well earned sleep!
    Hugs all around. Stay safe and well. xx

    1. Gosh, new locks too? Never thought of that. How often does that need to be done? Glad that's a home problem we don't have! After a day like that I reckon I'd have slept for a couple. :)
      Glad the meeting went well and you achieved what needed to be done. That's always a bonus, haha! It's a paperwork week for me, oh joy. And it's turned quite cold, so will be rescuing sweaters from storage this weekend, and seeing if any actually still fit!
      Stay well and safe both of you xxx

  16. Ah, paperwork! Biggest reason I stopped doing a small craft business and the biggest reason I am tempted to stop the button club jobs - luckily Don is very on top of business so the taxes get paid and the bills (a Definite Keeper!).
    We are still sweltering away - yesterday there were really gigantic clouds in the east over the desert - looks like some giant went crazy with the whipped cream ;)
    We will stay coolish and well and you stay warmish and well. xxx
